
Here's to being happier

Happiness exists and anyone can experience it. There has been new scientific evidence that there are ways in which one can boost their moods.

  • Learn to say thank you

Learn to recognize good things when they happen. Count your blessings and try out a gratitude journal. Recording what you appreciate can lead to less anxiety and even better sleep. 

  • Spread the love

Performing acts of kindness can make you happier. You don’t need to go the Oprah route and give out cars to everyone. You can help a friend or even volunteer. If you want something harder, trying being nice to every person you run into throughout the day. Helping others can also distract you from your own problems and give you a new perspective.

  • Forgive and forget
Forgiveness is the key to a happier life

With peace-making in mind, you can counter feelings of depression and anxiety. Forgiveness can also reduce your stress levels.

How can you forgive and forget? Try to understand the other persons’ reasoning behind their behaviour and remember their positive traits. If this doesn’t work, try to remember that forgiveness is a great gift to give yourself.

  • Positive thoughts

Learn to make the best of things that happen. Reframe your thoughts and turn this into a habit.  Once you’ve decided to be happier, you’ll only focus on things that can make you happier such as meditation and yoga.

  • Money doesn’t buy happiness but it can buy fun

Try spending your money on an activity rather than objects. Better yet buy things than you can experience such as books or sport equipment.

  • Foster relationships

Spend your time with friends and family that are happy. These interactions can greatly affect your happiness.

  • Exercise 
Exercising can lift your mood

Exercise is a great way to destress. It can increase your brain power and also improve your body image.

  •  Get some fresh air 

Spending time outside in good weather can boost your mood and improve your memory.

  • Smile!

Smiling makes us feel better. Psychologists call it the facial feedback hypothesis. A smile is enough to lift our moods. 

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