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    Peppermint Tart Recipe

    Nothing beats a good old fashioned tasty and elegant dessert for any occasion. One of the best  to prepare is the classic Peppermint Tart. It’s simple, easy to make and  delicious. Ingredients: Tennis Biscuits, Caramel, Whipped Cream, Peppermint Chocolate Instructions: 1. Using a square or rectangular container, cover the surface in a thin layer of […] More

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    Churchills Gin Foraging Festival is Back!

    Johannesburg, February 2018 – Churchills proudly presents their annual Gin Foraging Festival to be held on Saturday the 3rd March 2018. Set to be an exciting Saturday afternoon of exploring the wonderful and exciting plethora of flavours. Some of the country’s local and international most exciting Gin brands, will be available for tasting and explanations about what makes […] More

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    Desserts to Make this Christmas

    The festive season is upon us and Christmas is almost here. One of the best parts about Christmas, aside from the presents of course, is the delicious food that is prepared. People have different tastes when it comes to Christmas food so turkey isn’t the only must have dish. One thing that should be a […] More

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    Healthy Holiday Desserts

    With the holiday season fast approaching it is a great time to start deciding what delicious meals you can make to accompany the festive season. I love dessert, and every now and then an indulgent dessert never hurts. However if you are planning to stay on the healthy side these holidays here are some desserts […] More

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    Hip & Healthy Smoothies to try this Summer!

    With the warm weather that Summer brings, it got us thinking what should you should be sipping on this summer. Smoothies are a great way to get your daily greens in and adding a few ingredients can help your skin glow as well gives you a daily health boost! So we found some ultra cool […] More

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    Great Ideas for Midnight Snacks

    Sometimes late at night, when you’re warm in your bed and you want nothing more than to just get some sleep, that craving will suddenly hit. You’re stomach starts telling you that it needs a midnight snack. However it’s not exactly the healthiest idea in the world as your metabolism slows down while your body […] More

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    Comfort Foods That You Should Definitely Try

    Comfort food is any food that makes you feel safe, especially food with high sugar content. It is also food that reminds you of your childhood, as those were times that you were most comforted. There are times in our life where we need that kind of comfort, when we feel sad or worried or […] More

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    Who says getting coal for Christmas is a bad thing?

    The Benefits of adding Charcoal to your freshly squeezed juice   Juice made with activated charcoal has become a popular “detox” drink over the past year or so. Yoga teacher and blogger Victoria Moore drinks charcoal lemonade once or twice a week —from lemon juice, organic maple syrup, Himalayan sea salt and activated charcoal powder. […] More

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