
Can My Timeline Get Me Fired?

Social media is a part of everyday life. So much so that posting products on Instagram can guarantee you a paycheque. Individuals have begun scouring for employment using various social media platforms and it works. However; there is the other side of social media that is ignored. Believe it or not, your posts can land you in trouble. The kind of trouble where you find yourself no longer employed.

Sometimes the think before you post approach doesn’t work as well as we’d like, so read on to find out what posts could get you a new job in the unemployment line.

  • Racist, sexist, homophobic or other offensive comments 

You’d think this is a no-brainer but you’d be surprised by how many people make these types of comments.  It might seem unfair to tell someone how to think or feel but like it or not; you’re representing a brand and they don’t take kindly to these types of things.

  • Complaining about your job
Never bash your boss online

Yes. Work is hard. It’s supposed to be hard. It’s work. If you want to vent about something; try venting about gender violence or why your favourite band never comes to your town. Do not vent about your boss not being as smart as they’d like to believe because that’s just wrong- not to mention completely unprofessional. If you’re complaining about work safety and pay conditions- sure. If you want to moan about your lame job and an ignoramus boss- just log out. Immediately.

  • What happens in the office…

It may not be a secret in the office but that doesn’t mean it needs to see the rest of the world. Little slip ups about the happenings in your workplace can get you in big trouble. Don’t go posting about mergers that haven’t happened yet or plans that fell through. These actions can inadvertently reveal sensitive information.

  • Social media management


Try not to log in during office hours

If you’re in charge of the company’s social media, be aware and conscious of which devices you’re logged in on. Whatever you post on behalf of the company will reflect on them so tune your humour and interests. Not everyone can appreciate the joke.

  • This is a work place, not an internet café

Unless your job description is social media manager or anything relating to that, you should not be on social media during office hours. It makes you less productive and you can find yourself caught up in the online hype and before you know it- you still haven’t finished that report that was due at 5.

  • Inappropriate photos with co-workers

There’s nothing wrong with you and your co-workers meeting after hours to hang out. You can even document it. Heck your boss might even join you. It’s all in good fun. What is wrong is posting those pictures that clearly weren’t for public consumption. Also, are you sure getting drunk with your boss is such a good idea? Furthermore, don’t be too hasty in adding your co-workers and employers to your list of Facebook friends. This just spells trouble.

  • Job hunting whilst employed

There’s nothing wrong with this. A lot of people do this; they even use social media to get the new job. Just don’t do this at work. Don’t abuse company resources so you can move to another company. And don’t tell broadcast this hunt on LinkedIn because it’ll just make things awkward. Your employer will think you’re miserable so they’ll probably find ways to get you out of here. Alter your privacy settings and happy hunting!

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